Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Photosynthesis dry lab

In this lab we didn't actually do it, we just did a write up. Doing this you realize that it's pretty had to to a lab without actually doing it. In this lab the facts were:

  • Carbon dioxide in water produces carbonic acid
  • BTB is a blue green liquid which changes to a yellow color in acid and back to blue green when returned to a neutral pH.
  • Carbon dioxide and water yields star and oxygen when chlorophyll and sunlight are present
  • animals respire
  • Green plants photosynthesize in the light and respire all the time. 
  • Sugar and oxygen yields carbon dioxide and water and energy.
  • Elodea is in the kingdom planate and is a producer.

     Interpreting the observations, i got that

  1. water + BTB----> neutral pH-----> blue green. This means that if you have water plus BTB, it is a neutral pH, which keeps you at a blue green color.
  2. Fish----> respire -----> sugar + O2 + CO2 + H2O----> CO2 in H2O----> acid----> yellow. This means that the fish respires and gives off sugar and oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide and water all make an acid which makes the color yellow.
  3. In this one lodes is in kingdom planate and is a producer. Green plants photosynthesize in light and respire all the time. Which makes carbon dioxide and water yield and sugar and oxygen wen chlorophyll and sunlight are present.  BTB is blue green liquid which changes to a yellow color in acid and back to blue green when neutral.  So it is blue green in light and yellow when left in the dark for 3 hours. 
  4. Elodea is pale blue green in light and yellow when left in the dark for 3 hours. The animal is doing desperation, giving off carbon dioxide and giving off BTB acid making it yellow. The plant does something different though. The plant picks up the carbon dioxide and stays blue green, not making any acid. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Brown Recluse Spider

     The Brown Recluse Spider is a venomous spider. It can cause significant cutaneous injury with tissue loss and necrosis. You can find the Brown Recluse in the United States from the east to west coast, and sometimes in the south. The Black Recluse is different from most spiders because instead of having 8 eyes, it only has 6 eyes that are arranged in pairs. One pair is on front and another pair on either side. It usually has a shy and nonaggressive behavior, but occasionally bites humans because they share the same habitat. It usually just bites when it is being disturbed. They roam at night and hide during they day. They can survive six months without food or water. It bites when it is caught between a part of the body and another surface like when children are playing under house furniture, while a person is sleeping and rolls on to where it is, or when getting dressed with clothes or shoes where the spider has hidden itself.
     The Brown Recluse Spider's venom in extremely poisonous, even more than a rattlesnake, but when they bite, they cause less disease than rattlesnakes. The venom from this spider is toxic to cells and tissues. There are some secondary results that are very rare, but can still happen. The destruction of red blood cells, low platelet count, blood clots in the capillaries and loss of ability to form clots where needed, acute renal failure (kidney damage), coma, and death.  The  symptoms of Brown Recluse spider bites are severe pain at the bite about 4 hours later, severe itching, nausea, vomiting, fever, and muscle pain. The bite is usually red upon close inspection and may reveal fang marks. Most commonly, the bite will become hard and heal with a little scaring over the next few weeks or days. Occasionally, the local reaction will be more severe with erythema and blistering, sometimes leading to blue discoloration, and ultimately leading to a necrotic lesion and scarring. Signs that may be present are blistering, death of skin and subcutaneous fat, and severe destructive necrotic lesions with deep wide borders.
    So researching the Brown Recluse Spider, i can conclude that this spider isn't very common where we live, but if you get bit by one, it can be very serious and dangerous.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Enzymes action

     In this lab we tested the action of enzymes and for the enzymes we used yeast. We added the yeast to a test tube with 3 milliliters of water (H2O) and 3 milliliters of peroxide (H2O2). After adding these things together we mixed them a little and put the pressure cork on top of the test tube to trap in all the pressure. As the cork was in the tube, it was hooked up to a tube that recorded the data on the computer making a graph that showed the pressure of each tube.
    We did 3 different little labs, and in each one a few things changed. In the first lab we did concentration. We took the 3 milliliters of both water and peroxide and put them in the first test tube, then added 20 drops of yeast. The second tube we did the same thing but with 30 drops, the next with 40, and the fourth and final tube we added 50 drops. We put the pressure cork on all of the tubes after adding the different concentrations of yeast and the data recorded.

     The second lab that we did was temperature. We added the 3 milliliters of both water and peroxide and added 30 drops of yeast to the four test tubes that we had. The first tube that we tested was water and peroxide with 30 drops of yeast that was room temperature. The second tube that we tested was water and peroxide that had been held in an ice bath for a few minutes with the 30 drops of yeast. The third tube was stuck in a hot water bath with the water and peroxide with 30 drops. The fourth and final test tube was stuck in a warm water bath with the 30 drops of yeast.

     The hire and final lab that we did was with different pH levels. We kept everything the same, except for the peroxide. We mixed 30 milliliters of water with 30 milliliters of the different pH buffers and added 30 drops of yeast to them. The first test tube that we did was the water with the pink level 4 pH buffer, and the 30 drops of yeast. The second test tube was water with the blue level 10 pH buffer, and the 30 drops of yeast. The third and final tube we tested in this lab was the yellow level 7 pH buffer, and added to it was the 30 drops of yeast.

     In these labs, as you can see, some of the different things we tested, reacted better and had more pressure than others with the yeast.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Plant Cell Structure

     You pass by a flower shop, or see pretty flowers planted in a yard, or meadow. The flowers you see, and all the plants you get your vegetables from all have a "heart". Every plant is broken down, and all start with  a plant cell. Plant cells are important to cells because they are the basic units of life. There are many parts involved in a cell. All of them are important too, but there is one place where everything starts. The nucleus. The nucleus is en closed in a double membrane and communicates with the surrounding cytosol in numerous nuclear pores. In the nucleus is the DNA,which is responsible for providing the cell with its one of a kind characteristics. The DNA is similar in every of every body, but depending on the cell type, some genes may be turned on and off. This is why a liver cell is different from a muscle cell (giving an example). when a cell divides, the nuclear chromatin condenses into chromosomes that can be seen easily by a microscope.

     The Nucleolus. The Nucleolus is the first thing you notice in the nucleus, it is the most obvious structure. The nucleolus produces ribosomes, which move out of the nucleus and position themselves on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are very important in protein synthesis.
     The Cytosol. The Cytosol is what they call the "soup" where all the other cells organelles reside and where most of the metabolism occurs. Mostly through water, the cytosol is full of proteins that control cell metabolism including signal transduction pathways, glycolysis, intracellular receptors, and transcription factors.

     The Cytoplasm. The Cytoplasm is just a collective term for the cytosol, plus the organelles suspended within the cytosol.
     The Centrosome. The centrosome of MTOC (Microtubule Organizing Center) is the area in the cell where microtubules are produced. Plant and animal cell centrosomes play similar roles in the division of cells. Both of them include collections of microtubules, but the plant cell centrsome is simpler and does not have centrioles. 
     The Golgi. The Golgi is a membrane-bound structure with a single membrane. It is actually a stack of membrane-bound vesicles important in packaging macromolecules for transport somewhere else in the cell. The stack of larger vesicles is surrounded by many smaller vesicles having those packaged macromolecules. The enzymatic or hormonal contents of lysosomes, peroxisomes and secretory vesicles are packaged in membrane-bound vesicles at the periphery of the Golgi. 

     The Lysosome. Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes that are necessary for intracellular digestion. They are mostly seen in animal cells, but sometimes in plant cells. Hydrolytic enzymes of plant cells are usually found in the Vacuole. 
     The Peroxisome. Peroxisomes are membrane-bound packets of oxidative enzymes. With plant cells, they play  many roles like converting fatty acids to sugar and guiding chloroplasts in photorespiratioin. Oxidative enzymes in peroxisomes break down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
     Secretory Vesicle are cell secretions of e.g. hormones, neurotransmitters secured in secretory vesicles in the Golgi. The secretory vesicles are then transported to the cell surface for release.
     The Cell Membrane. All cells are enclosed in a membrane, a double layer of phospholipids. The exposed heads of hte bilayer are hydrophillic, which means that they are compatible with water both in they cytosol and outside of the cell. But the tails of the phospholipids are hydrophibic, so the cell membrane acts as a protective barrier to the flow of water that is uncontrolled. The membrane is more complex by the presence of many protiens that are very important to the activity of the cell. These protiens include receptors for odors, tastes and hormones, and pores responsibole for controlled enter and exit of ions like sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride.
      The Mitochondria. Mitochondria provide energy a cell needs to move, divide, make secretory products contract- in short, these are the power centers of the cell. They are small, like the size of bacteria, but can have different shapes depending on the cell type. They are membrane-bound orangelles, and have a double membrane, like the nucleus. The outter membrane is smooth. But the inner membrane is highly convoluted. The cristae increase the inner membrane's surface area. It's on these cristae that food is combined with oxygen to produce ATP, which is the primary energy source for the cell.  
    The Vacuole. A vacuole is a membrane-bound sac that plays roles in intracellular digestion and the output of cellular waste. Vacuoles play a big part in plant cells. They play several roles like storing nutrients and waste products, helping increase cell size during the growth process. They even act like lysosomes in animal cells. It also regulates tug or pressure on the cell. Water collects in cell molecules, pressing out against the cell wall producing rigidity in the plant. Without sufficient water, turgor pressure drops and the plant will wilt.
     The Cell wall. The cell is in plant cells only. Plant cells have a rigid, protective cell wall made of polysaccharides. In bigger planet cells, the polysaccharide is mostly cellulose.  The cell wall provides and helps keep the shape of the cells and serves as a protective barrier. Fluid collects in the the vacuole and pushes out against the cell wall. This turgor pressure is responsible for the fresh vegetables crispness. 
     The Chloroplast. Chloroplast is in plant cells only also. Chloroplasts are organelles found in all higher plant cells. These organelles contain the plant cell's chlorophyll which makes the plants green like they are. Chloroplasts have a double outer membrane. In the stroma are other membrane structures like thylakoids. Thylakoids show up in stacks called grand. 
     The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum. Throughout the eukaryotic cell, especially those responsible for the production of hormones and other secretory products, is a large network of membrane-bound vesicles and tubules called the Endoplasmic reticulum. The ER is a continuation of the outer nuclear membrane and its functions vary and suggest the complexity of the eukaryotic cell. The Smooth ER has its name because it is shown as smooth by electron microscopy. The Smooth ER plays different functions depending on the specific cell type.
     Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. The Rough ER shows to be pebbled by electron microscopy due to the presence of many ribosomes on its surface. Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes collect in the ER for transport throughout the cell. 
     Ribosomes. Ribosomes are packets of RNA and protein that play a very important role in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. They are the site of protein synthesis. Each ribosome comprises two parts, a large submit and a small submit. Messenger RNA from the nucleus is moved along the ribosome where transfer RNA adds individual amino acid molecules to the protein chain.
    The Cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton helps maintain the cells shape. The importance of the cytoskeleton is cell motility. The internal movement of the organelles, as well as the cell locomotion could not take place without the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is an organized network of three primary protein filaments such as microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate fibers.